Monday, February 20, 2012

Why do we blame twilight?

Twilight is a very popular book and movie but with such popularity comes hatred. I understand people have different taste in things but what i don't understand is the amount of energy some of these people who hate twilight put into bashing it. I am really taken back by some of the ludicrous assumption people make. I know for myself that if i dislike some thing I don't read the book or watch the movie, but some of these nay Sayer's seem to know more about the Twilight series then your typical team Edward love struck 14 year old girl. It seems like a lot of time and energy put in to some thing that makes you upset or is it possible that deep down inside they really do like Twilight. Some people treat Twilight like due to its popularity its a mandated reading material for any human breathing air but the truth is no one is shoving the book down your throat and if you hate it why not stop wasting your time with it. Then we come to the people that just like to bitch about any thing and there entire lives and social circles are based around hatred. These are the people who really hate themselves and cant find any enjoyment out of life so they do what they know best and spread there own pain. Some of the claims people make are insane. I am not one to tend to read negative article reviews about any thing let alone twilight but our teacher has assigned us to. First i believe they are a waste of my time because i don't like negativity and two they are full of drawling irrational conclusion from a fiction book. for example the claim that Twilight is is saying that abuse on women is OK. First I never picked that up when i read the book the first time maybe because i was not looking for some thing to hate. I see what she is trying to do and the fact is that this is a fiction book. The characters are not human they are animals and vampires with human qualities. She is trying to hold human society standards to a made up book not even about humans. I think its just a ploy for attention, she needed to make a outlandish assumption to get attention. If there is any negative message being sent out by the book i can tell you Stephanie Myers is not to blame. The parents that allow there 14 year old daughter is to blame. Then i think the whole literary industry is to blame for not having a age rating system for books. The fact is that this is a fiction book written about fiction characters and fiction situations. For any who is mentally sane and lives on planet earth can plainly see this.

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